Stay Younger and Healthier

In 1970 the number of Americans known to have reached the age of 100 and older was less than 3,000; in 1980 it was 14,000. More and more of us are shooting for the Biblical 120 years – which researchers feel is our potential – the age at which Moses died: free of disease and with his faculties intact and full of energy.

Old age doesn’t necessarily mean sick age: 85% of people over 65 have no
real physical problems. Many studies show that it’s possible to live a long, full life without being physically or mentally incapacitated. In fact, it is possible to stay physically and mentally healthy for one’s entire lifetime and it is possible to reverse or slow the process of aging and recover physical and mental strength.

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Stay Younger & Healthier

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Brost Chiropractic & Wellness Centre
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